The magic package

Dealing with electronics, I sometimes order stuff which gets shipped directly from the Philippines, Malaysia or somewhere else on the Pacific rim. Generally they get shipped by air and often arrive in a few days. Recently I ordered something that was shipped from Malaysia. It sat there doing nothing for a week and then suddenly FedEx said it had been delivered. I went and looked at the front door; no package, no footsteps in the freshly fallen snow and furthermore, the delivery time was several hours in the future. Furthermore, when I looked at the tracking detail, it had been put on a truck for delivery in Malaysia and somehow that truck had evidently made it to Rochester, NY USA in a few hours and the package had been delivered. I finally called FedEx and it seems that while it said it had been delivered, it had actually been returned to the sender. Checking the next day, it still said delivered (to Rochester), but the tracking history showed a different story. It has now made it to Taiwan. But the tracking history is kind of amusing and indicates FedEx needs to do a bit of work on its tracking history system.

Looking at this, one could conclude that my package briefly quantum tunneled from Malaysia to Rochester and back. Hopefully it is now on its way to Rochester for real.