More Elevator Progress

The circuit boards for the elevator electronics came in a few days ago. Actually it was the third set, the first two attempts having fatal errors (don’t ask). The third set had only a minor error easily fixed by adding a wire. The board is now installed in the frame and I am wiring things up, testing and bringing up code. The wiring is somewhat tedious since there are a lot of crimp terminals to install.

The elevator electronics installed in the frame of the shaft. The three 12 wire cables go to the three doors.

At this point, almost everything is working (most of the time) with the exception of the floor indicators, which I’m holding off on until I get everything else working well. There have been a few glitches. One was that it would periodically get a call to the first floor all on its own. This was due to the relatively long cable run to the first floor door resulting in the PWM to the door stepper motor coupling to the call signal. This was fixed with some digital filtering which could be implemented in the PSoC CPLD. I also had a stepper driver board fail and the first one I replaced it with seemed to be DOA. The next one has been working so far, but there may be a QC issue with this board. The other issue is the second floor door is sometimes getting stuck, so the mechanics need to be looked at. Overall, things are going reasonably well so far.