DRO completed

The interface and PSoC enclosure. The boards are held in place by fingers coming down from the top cover.

Some time ago, I blogged about a digital readout (DRO) I was working on for my Sherline mill. Work on the Elevator project caused that to go on hold, but I finally got back to it and completed it. Mostly, I needed to design and 3D print a case for the interface board and PSoC KitProg. As you can see in the photos, that got done and the whole thing is now complete. I like it a lot as it is much easier to see than the original Sherline unit. Only thing I don’t like is the way the cord is attached at the display unit. I need to modify and reprint the display case so the cord has better strain relief.

The completed DRO. Having the display separate from the main electronics makes it easier to place the display in a convenient location.